Carte The Prince - Machiavelli (in limba Engleza) (Noua)


Carte The Prince - Machiavelli (in limba Engleza) (Noua)

At the end of an industrious political career in conflict-riven Italy, the Florentine diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli composed his masterpiece The Prince, a classic study of power and politics, and a manual of ruthlessness for any ambitious ruler.

Controversial in his own time, the workmade Machiavelli's name a byword for manipulative scheming, and had an impact on such major figures as Napoleon and Frederick the Great.

It contains principles as true today as when they were first written almost five centuries ago.


Carte The Prince - Machiavelli (in limba Engleza) (Noua)

  • Carte The Prince - Machiavelli (in limba Engleza) (Noua)
Cod inventar: 248

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Cod: 248

Carte The Prince - Machiavelli (in limba Engleza) (Noua)

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  • Evaluarea mea de preţ: 24.99 lei

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